Open Mic Night
When: First Friday of every month.
Where: 315-A Bedford Road, Morris, Illinois 60450
Time: 7-10pm
Cost: Admission is an at-will donation to support the EXibit mission.
The EXibit Fine Art Center & Gallery presents a night of acoustic music, spoken word, and more!
Come to perform or watch.
Are you interested in performing?
All are welcome to share their talents.
We ask that performers keep their act under five minutes.
If time allows, performers may come up more than once.
Refreshments will be provided.
Attendees can tour the gallery and learn more about The EXibit.
Visit our Facebook Page for more information.
Upcoming Schedule for Open Mic Night
(Fri.) Jan. 3
(Fri.) Feb. 7
(Fri.) Mar. 7
(Fri.) Apr. 4
(Fri.) May 2
(Fri.) Jun. 6